Brio Leadership's Clients Show Impressive ResultsOne director-level client was having friction in his relationship with his boss, and had received several “does not meet expectations” ratings on the last performance review. Through coaching, this person was able to turn his performance around in only six months and received the “thumbs up” from his boss at their next performance conversation. Another client was new to her position and needed guidance on how to work better with her manager and other peer managers. After only five months, this person achieved the president’s award for outstanding service and received an informal “thank you” award from another group that works closely together. Still another client was able to start her own business and is now actively adding customers to her growing clientele. Yet another coaching client reports that her migraine headaches are gone since the third month of the coaching program
Over 50% of our coaching clients in the past year have either attained a promotion or saved their business due to heightened self-awareness and skills development. In each of these cases, Kristin helped the clients discover their mental roadblocks, what created them in their childhood years and how to either get around or re-pave the roadblocks. It’s an inner job for the client, but the coach is there to help and guide the talented individual through the process. |
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