In Hans Christian Andersen’s 19th century fable “The Emperor's New Clothes”, the only citizen of the kingdom who tells the truth is a young boy who blurts out, “the emperor is naked!” Everyone else defers to the status of the ruler, flattering him about his new “outfit”, which is, in fact, his birthday suit (nakedness). Cute story, right? The reason the fable has survived as long as it has is due to its inherent truth. Power and rank often diminish our powers of perception, perspective and empathy, especially specifically when few people have the guts to speak the truth to power. This is the reason why executive coaching can be so impactful. The executive coach, as a trusted and equal partner to the executive, can say things that others might not. That is not to say that the coach/client relationship is adversarial. To the contrary, the coaching relationship is one that involves trust, confidentiality and openness. Are you wondering if you could benefit from executive coaching? Here are five top reasons that you need it:
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